Saturday, August 13, 2011

Museum Affandi

affandi's museum

The painting Art is popular anywhere, this art is have a high estimation from a lot of people in the world, so we can find many painting art in another place. Okay, in this post I want to tell you about the museum from one of the painting art maestro in Yogyakarta, it is Museum Affandi.

This place is located at Jogja-Solo Highway,  Laksda Adisucipto 167. Is easy to reach this place, because this museum is located in strategic place. Many general vehicles are pass over this place. Affandi’s masterpieces, artistically work by other artist,  transportation tool that used formerly, and many tool that used by Affandi are  displayed in the museum.

This place is opened in 1962 and  in 1974 this place is opened officially. Museum Affandi consist of 3 gallery, in the first gallery be found a goods during Affandi alive. At the second gallery we can see many painting by the junior and senior artist.  Next, third gallery, this bilding have a uniquely architecture, and has several function, such as : studio, painting collection repository, treatment and painting room.

This place have a many place that can make you impressed, so lets go to this museum…..

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