Sunday, February 20, 2011

Smart Park not only Playground but also Learning Place

Oval House
One of the new tourist attractions in Yogyakarta is the "Taman Pintar". Places of Interest is located on Panembahan Senopati Street, Malioboro east, south Beringharjo Market, across from Bank Indonesia.

Taman Pintar was built as a vehicle for expression, appreciation and creation in a fun atmosphere. With a motto of educating and fun, the park was built in 2003 is to develop interest in children and young people in science through imagination, experimentation, and the sport in order to develop human resources qualified Indonesia.

Taman Pintar also want to fulfill one of the teachings of Ki Hajar Dewantara in Java language, "Niteni": Understanding, "Niroake": Imitate, and "Nambahi": Develop.

Taman Pintar Zoning :

Reception area and games as well as public space for visitors. In this region provided a number of rides for the kids like to play Tells Pipe, Parabola Whispering, Tree House, Dancing Water, Air Corridor, my village Permai, Spectrum Color Wall singing, Pulley System, Bridge Shake, seesaw, Sand Castle, Engklek, and Forums stone

Heritage Building:
This area is reserved for children's education early age (early childhood), which consists of children ages pre-school to kindergarten.

Oval House:
This zone consists of the introduction of environmental zones and science exhibitions, exposure zone, history, science and technology.

Building Box:
This building consists of three floors the first floor of the zone that is complementary means Taman Pintar which includes an exhibition hall, audiovisual room, radio Jogja children, food court, and souvenier counter. Floors two zones and the application of science and technology base material consists of Indonesia, bridges science, popular technology, advanced technology, and libraries. While the third floor consists of laboratory science, animation and television, and class courses.

Why given the name Taman Pintar? The reason is because this resort is presenting a vehicle that not only entertain, but also gives a lot of knowledge that can make you smart. The concept presented in the front garden may be almost equal to TMII Jakarta. However, because this resort has just stood up, offered the object is not yet complete as TMII. However, it does not hurt when this place used as a field trip students of elementary, junior high, even into adulthood. There will be a lot of science or theorys shown through the demonstration tool.

Panembahan Senopati Street 1-3

Phone: +62274583713, 583 631
Fax: +62274583664

Every Tuesday through Sunday from 09.00 - 16.00 pm (Monday Closed)

- An interactive science and technology Props
- Exhibition space and audiovisual
- Food court
- Mosque
- Gift Shop
- Information Center

For those of you who want to visit Taman Pintar (especially the group), should confirm in advance a maximum of three days before the date of the visit. Minimal entourage of 20 people with a certificate from the agency concerned.

Admission prices to the vehicles in the Park Smart from the date of February 1, 2011 will experience a change in price.
Admission Price Changes under Regulation No. 78 of 2010 Mayor are as follows:

Oval House-Box-Memorabilia:

     * Son of Rp 8,000, -/child
     * Adult Rp 15,000, -/person

Building early childhood:

     * Son of Rp 2,000, - (special children aged 2-7 yrs)

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