Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Loji, Heritage Is Still Strong

 BNI Bank
Yogyakarta people call "Loji" to designate heritage buildings of the Dutch colonizers in the past. They call Loji because the buildings built by the Dutch large with a large yard. In Yogyakarta, you can find Loji-Loji by browsing the city center, starting from the intersection of Post Office or the kilometer 0.

In the past, Loji used as a place to rest while working as scouts for the Dutch soldiers. In one there Loji cannon that leads directly to the palace with fire standby position. The cannon is a symbol of Dutch forces in front of the Palace at that time.

As a fortress, Great Loji area equipped with a variety of building support, such as reconnaissance until resting place for the soldiers. During the Great Loji still used as a fortress, there is a cannon that accidentally directed to the Palace in the standby position shot making it easier to attack. This was done for the Kingdom to admit that the Dutch have the power.

Now, you can down every corner of the Great Loji because the region has opened to the public. In addition to building the fort which has a typical European design, you can also see a diorama Indonesia won independence struggle. One who is awkward from this fort was the name that did not fit the description of a castle, Rust means the rest, Vrede means peace, while Burg means fortress. Rustenberg which means fortress resting or Vredeburg which means fortress of peace is clearly not a proper name.
BI Bank 
From Vredeburg, a Loji the most visible is Loji Kebon, now known as the Great House. European-style building which also was founded in 1824 and used as the Residency Building. Page Loji Kebon very spacious and decorated statues gathered by Dutch officials from around the city of Yogyakarta. In 1912, the complex is equipped with a building Loji Kebon Societeit de Vereniging, where the Dutch authorities to dance to the accompaniment of a violin.

Like Big Loji, Kebon Loji was also a witness to history. A building designed this Payen had stopped because of the Diponegoro War years 1825 - 1830 which almost makes the Dutch government went bankrupt. In the period of Japan, it became the residence of Japanese officers named Koochi Zimmukyoku Tyookan. Similarly, since the capital moved to Yogyakarta, Indonesia January 6, 1946, this building became the presidential palace. Until now, despite Indonesia's capital moved back to Jakarta, this building remains the status of the presidential palace.

Another area is Loji Small Loji located on the east Vredeburg now, fixed region until almost the intersection Gondomanan Shopping. Unlike the Great Loji that serves as a fortress and Small Loji who serves as government buildings, Loji Small serves as a residential area. Now, despite living a few, you can still enjoy some old buildings that, including complex is located in Taman Pintar. In that area there are also Societet Militair building formerly used as a place to relax Dutch military soldiers.

Regions small Loji is central residential area of the first Dutch in Yogyakarta. A number of support facilities are also still able to enjoy its beauty, for example Protestansche Kerk church that stood in 1857 (now the Christian Church Marga Mulya, located in the north of the Great House) and Kudul Loji Francis Xavier Church (old building) which was established in 1870, located next Small Loji southern region.

One other Loji region that is not less interesting is Loji Satan. So named because the building that up to now unknown in the building was known haunted. Many people say, in the east room and the hall was often heard voices of people for help and the sound of dance music. The building which now serves as the office of parliament, according to a story once called on the Governor-General of the Raffles on May 15, 1812, when the Netherlands was in power in Yogyakarta.
Loji Satan since some time has a variety of functions. In the past, the building was often used for meditation and as a place of exhibition space, such as exhibitions by Luch Bescherming Dienst in 1940.

Post-Independence, the building that was originally named Loji Marlborough is used as the office of the National Committee of Indonesia (1945 - 1949), the office of the State Defense Council and the implementation of Cabinet meeting (1948). Discover every Loji, piece by piece the story gained insights will enrich your history.

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