Saturday, February 12, 2011

Enchantment Of Prambanan


Prambanan Temple consists of three settings are: Bottom background, middle ground and background center. Background-background is more towards the higher location. Background bottom, middle and center each have four gates. In the background center and the gate is located right in the middle of each wall, while in the background under the gate is not located in the middle, but faced a moment with each of the gates of the upper and middle background.

The middle ground lies in the background below, with a location that is higher than the background. Historically the middle ground surrounded by stone walls but the walls are not parallel to the wall below the background. The middle ground and have a rectangular-shaped area 222 square meters. In the middle ground are the four that rose above the plain. In the middle ground there are ancillary temple ruins. Ancillary temples when all completely refurbished, there will be 224 temples ancillary, but current ancillary temples have been restored just a few while others are still in ruins. Chapel is divided into four levels. The first level there are 68 ancillary temples. At the second level from the bottom there are 60 pieces. The third level there are 52 pieces while in the fourth or top level there are 44 ancillary temples. These ancillary temples have all the same size, each of which is 6 meters wide square base and height of 14 meters.

Background center located in the middle ground with a higher position than in the middle ground. Background center has a rectangular shape and surrounded by a wall parallel to the middle ground. Background center has a spacious 110 square meters. At this time the background of the already constructed.

In the background of this center there are 16 temples big and small temples. The main temples consist of two rows facing each other. Runs east of Nandi temple, temples and temple Garuda Goose. Rows of this temple are all facing westward. Nandi Temple at the center has a broad base of 15 meters square and 25 meters high. While the temple Goose and Garuda have broad base of 13 meters square and 22 meters high. While the western series that is the temple of Shiva (Rara Jonggrang), Vishnu temple and Brahma temple. Rows of this temple are all facing east and all of them larger than the temples in a row timut. 

Temple at the center of the temple is a temple Rara Jonggrang highest with 34 meters wide square base and has a height of 47 meters. Sadangkan temple is located next to have a broad base of 20 meters and a height of 23 meters square. At the end of the hallway that separates the two rows of the main temple there are a couple temples Apit. Apit temple is located in the north and south of the main temples. Temple wedge has a broad base of six square meters and a height of 16 meters. In the background center in addition to the eight temples are still there are eight other temples that have a smaller size. Four of them are temples Screen temple and other temples are the four corners of the temple. Screen temple found in four places after the stairs to the center background, while the angle of the temple is located at each corner of the center background. The temple and the temple curtain has a broad base angle 1.55 square meters and a height of 4.10 meters. Overall, the Prambanan temple complex consists of 240 temples.

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