Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Yogyakarta Trip Part 1 - Historical Spots

It has been awhile since I have abandoned this site. The reason is, I have been busy ( chasing my HK TVB dramas + tuitions). And another reason is I have gained a lot of weights *cry*. I have gained 5 kgs and my pimple problem is not healing as well. This gives me no motivation in writing blogs. But, I checked my google analytics today, and found out that even I have not been writing for about a month, my visitor number has only dropped 26%, so there is actually people reading XD

Okay, enough of crapping (and showing off). I have just came back from Yogyakarta (also called Jogjakarta/ Jogja), Indonesia to visit my cousin studying there. It was an awesome trip! It was a 4 days/3 nights trip. I will split my trips into different sessions - historic spots, tourist attractions, things to do, shopping, hotel and food guide.

The tourist attractions can be quite boring as the places are all old and historic (ya, I hate sejarah too!) I bet most of you do not know Jogjakarta is the place where the Candi Borobudur is located. We learnt about Candi Borobudur in Sejarah, remember?

First up --> Candi Borobudur
Candi stands for temple. Even though Borobudur was not selected by UNESCO as one of the 7 wonders, but it is still considered a 'wonder' because it is a miracle for people from ancient time to build such a complex monument. And I was told by my cousin that Borobudur was initially built without using cement, just by stacking the stones up, how possible is that?

Me. ( fat stomach :$ )

Awesome carvings!

Arghh, vandalisme!

Trying to hog the stairs :P

A tranquil buddha.

My cousin trying to touch the buddha inside the stupa :)
(There is a saying, if you can touch the buddha's belly, your wish will be granted true!)

Stalls selling ornaments outside Borobudur.

Tips & Expenses:
1. It is always hot in Borobudur, umbrella and sunscreen is a must!
2. Do not walk alone when passing by the stalls at the exit, the souvenir sellers will bug you to death.
3. Entrance ticket - Rp15k ( ~RM5) for local, or USD12 for foreigner.
4. Photo permit - Rp1k (~RM0.40)
5. If you are superstitious like me, when reaching the top of Candi, do circulate the top a few times clockwise for good luck. (My sister and I went the wrong way, we went anti clockwise, hope we dont get bad luck instead!)

2. Kraton
Kraton is actually a palace where the royal families are residing in. However, it was closed when we reached there. :(

Can only look from far, since the palace is closed.

3. Museum Kareta Keraton (Sultan's Carriage Museum)
This museum shows different horse carriages used by the Kings in different dynasties. The carriages come in different design and different usage. Looking at these carriages reminded me of Cinderella :)

A luxury, German-inspired bronze carriage.

Carriage's wheel that as tall as my sister.

Guess what, this uncle is 109 years old! And he was a horse ostler of the royal family.

Guess what again, this carriage was used for funeral.

Tips & Expenses:
1. Kraton and The Carriage Museum are next to each other.
2. You will be approached by some so-called "tour guide" to bring you around when you reach a tourist spot. It is good to have someone explain things to you. Just remember to give them a token when leaving. We gave the "tour guide" Rp10k (~RM3.60)
3. Entrance ticket - Rp3k (~RM1), photo permit - Rp1k (~RM0.40)

4. Taman Sari (Water Palace)
The Water Palace is like a place for the Sultan to have his entertaintment. I could imagine the glorious days of the Javanese King and how romantic this place used to be. However the place now is kind of old and unmaintained.

Taman Sari from far.

A very pretty garden which is actually a place where the ancient singers and dancers performed. The area was made such that the sound system appeared to be "3D".Very canggih.

They have this tunnel thing, which used to be the water pathway towards the palace.

The pool where the concubines (gundik-gundik) used to bath. And the Sultan would look from the tower and choose the "lucky" one.

(The pool was very dirty that day. They should have cleaned the pool)

1. Entrance Rp3k (~RM1), photo permit Rp1k (~RM0.40)

Lastly..5. Museum Ullen Sentalu
This museum is located uphill at a very cool and tranquil place. The museum displays items on Javanese history. However, we were not allowed to take pictures inside the museum. It is a very pretty museum surrounded by trees and flowers.

At the entrance of the museum.

Surreal environment~

After touring the museum, we were given this gingery drink called Ratu Emas Tea. (Pardon my sister XD)

A statue of God of Fertality ( Dewi Kesuburan)

Camwhoring at Winter Sonata scene :P

Entrance ticket Rp25k (~RM7)

Alright, I think I will end this post. So tired posting up the pictures. Will continue on other parts when have time :)

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