Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kraton Ngayogyakarta, the Cultures Never End

In the next post, I think interesting if I post about the Kraton Ngayogyakarta, this place is a residence of the Sultan, Sultan is the governor of Yogyakarta. This place offereds something that very differ. We can see that the style of this building is so unique. And I thing it is the speciailty  of this building. Everyday a lot of tourist, local or foreign tourist visiting this place. 

Okay, Kraton Ngayogyakarta is located in south of the Malioboro. Kraton is built by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I after the “Perjanjian Giyanti”, the “Perjanjian Giyanti” is dividing the Kingdom of Mataram be a two region, that is Yogyakarta and Surakarta. In 1755, that was the first time Kraton built. Before built this Kraton, Sultan and the follower were live at Kraton Ambarketawang in Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Since 1950, sultanate officially have came to republic of indonesia part.
       Now, this place have come to one of the tour place famousest in Jogja. Inside of Kraton, we can see a lot of antique goods is used by Sultan. Or, do you like  traditional music or unique dance???
I suggest to you to come in Kraton on Sunday, in this day you can see the dance and music gamelan. In front of the Kraton, we can found the Alun-Alun Utara, this is the place this vast place, crowded at the time of there certain celebration, such as “Sekaten”, at evening that scheduled, during a month this place is used to be a market. A lot of sellers and purchase are gather at” Alun-Alun Utara” .

Do you like shopping or searching antique thing?? Don’t worry, around the Kraton we can find a lot of seller of the thing that we search. We can meet food, special hat Jogja(blangkon), batik cloth, shadow puppet, traditional toy and many more.

And that make me very impress with this place is appreciation towards the ancestor culture values. So, you will never rue your arrival to this place.

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